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I am Mahalakshmi from Chennai sir and completely enjoy your classes sir and learning sir! I am glad that I registered with you for the classes of FR! And moreover as a special mention to be said…specifically the recent topics that you are covering. the efforts that you make to make us confident and comfortable is highly awesome sir!  I just wanted to special mention the IND AS which were extremely superior because of extra examples outside the book that you took in the class. 1.IND AS 12 was Super Awesome. 2 .IND AS -110 very nice it was. 3.And specially all important concepts like IND AS 102/109/32 was extremely superb sir . And one more point to be said is even when you are doing these sums for the night time .not getting fed up and even now each time when you writing you generally refer to the Balance sheet and PL mostly in full form only sir specially in CFS sir. You do not use abbreviations sir. even we are while attending classes sometime tend to use abbreviations to cope up with the speed of the classes. But.every human would definitely loose patience when the get used to these accounting terms and start using abbreviations sir. However even for the” n” th time. you use full form only sir.that is great sir. just purely classic! In the intention behind it being. may be we also do the same on exams If we get used to these abbreviations of Balance sheet  while in class. just purely amazing sir!  Thank you so much for such superb classes sir. thank you so much sir!

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